Wilson, N., Rees, S., Northway, R., Griffiths, P. (2022) Toward mainstream nursing roles specialising in the care of people with intellectual and developmental disability, Collegian, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2022.03.004 (in press)
Sullivan, W. Heng, J. Bjorne, P. Northway, R. (2022) Ethics framework and recommendations to support capabilities of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) during pandemics, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, In press
Trip, H., Northway, R., Perkins, E., Mirfin-Veitch, B., Adams, R. (2022) Covid 19: Evolving challenges and opportunities for residential and vocational intellectual disability service providers, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, In press
Northway, R. Todd, S., Hunt, K., Hopes, P., Morgan, R., Shearn, J., Worth, R., Bernal, J. (2019) Nursing care at end-of-life: a UK based survey of the deaths of people living in care settings for people with intellectual disability, Journal of Research in Nursing, 24 (6) 366 - 382
Frankena, T., Naaldenberg, J., Cardol, M., Garcia-Iriarte, E., Buchner, T., Brooker, K., Embregts, P., Joosa, E., Crowther, F., Fudge Schormans, S., Schippers, A., Walmsley, J., O’Brien, P., Linehan, C., Northway, R., van Schrojenstein Lantman-de Walk, H., Leusink, G. (2019) A consensus statement on how to conduct inclusive health research, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63 (1) 1 – 11
Hodges, Z., Northway, R. (2018) Exploring professional decision making in relation to safeguarding: a grounded theory study of social workers and community nurses in Community Learning (Intellectual) Disability Teams in Wales, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32 (2) 435 - 445
Taggart, L. Truesdale, M., Carey, M.E., Martin-Stacey, L. Scott, J., Bunting, B., Coates, V., Brown, M., Karatzias, T., Northway, R., Clarke, J.N. (2018) Pilot feasibility study examining a structured diabetes self-management education programme DESMOND-ID, targeting HbA1c in adults with intellectual disabilities, Diabetic Medicine, 35 (1) 137 - 146
Brown, M., Taggart, M., Karatzias, T., Truesdale, M., Walley, R., Macrae, S., Northway, R., Carey, M., Davies, M. (2017) Improving diabetes care for people with intellectual disabilities: the perceptions and experiences of professional staff in diabetes and intellectual disability services, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61 (5) 435 - 449
Kruger, B., Northway, R. (2017) An exploratory study of behavioural specialists’ experiences of involving service users in the development of their positive behavioural support plans, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1177/1744629517730658
Northway, R. (2017) Participatory research. Part 1: Key features and underlying philosophy, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 24 (10) 443 – 448
Northway, R. (2017) Participatory research. Part 2: Practical considerations, International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 24 (1) 488 – 493
Northway, R. Holland-Hart, D., Jenkins, R. (2017) Meeting the health needs of older people with intellectual disabilities: exploring the experiences of residential social care staff, Health and Social Care in the Community, 25 (3) 923 - 931
Northway, R. Jenkins, R., Holland-Hart, D. (2017) Training of residential social care staff to meet the needs of older people with intellectual disabilities who develop age-related health problems: an exploratory study, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 30 (5) 911 – 921
Northway, R., Rees, S., Davies, M., Williams, S. (2017) Hospital passports, patient safety and person-centred care: A review of documents currently used for people with intellectual disabilities in the UK, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 5160 - 5168
MacRae, S., Brown, M., Karatzias, T., Taggart, L., Truesdale-Kennedy, M., Walley, R., Sierka, A., Northway, R., Carey, M., Davies, M. (2015) Diabetes in people with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review of the literature, Research in Developmental Disabilities, 47, 352 – 374
Northway, R., Parker, M., James, N., Davies, L., Johnson, K., Wilson, S. (2015) Research teaching in learning disability nursing: exploring the views of student and registered learning disability nurses, Nurse Education Today, 35 (12) 1155 – 1160
Taggart, L., Coates, V., Clarke, M., Bunting, B., Davies, M., Carey, M., Northway, R., Brown, M., Truesdale-Kennedy, M., Martin-Stacey, L., Scott, G., Karatzias, T. (2015) A study protocol for a pilot randomised trial of a structured education programme for the self-management of Type 2 diabetes for adults with intellectual disabilities, Trials, 16: 148 DOI 10.1186/s13063-015-0644-y
Northway, R., Howarth, J., Evans, L. (2014) Participatory research, people with intellectual disabilities and ethical approval: making reasonable adjustments to enable participation, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24, 573 – 581
Caton, S., Hatton, C., Gillooly, A., Oloidi, E., Clarke, L., Bradshaw, J., Flynn., S., Taggart, L., Mulhall, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K., & Hastings, R. P., (2022). Online social connections and Internet use among people with intellectual disabilities in the United Kingdom during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of New Media & Society, pp.1-25. DOI: ttps://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221093762
Todd, S, Bernal, J., Walmsley, J. and O’Droscoll, D. (2021) When epidemics bring too many deaths, Community Living, April, 16-17
Flynn, S., Bailey, T., Hastings, R., Hatton, C., Abbott, D. W. F., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021) Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study, Wave 3 Results. Warwick, University of Warwick.
Flynn, S., Bailey, T., Hastings, R., Hatton, C., Abbott, D. W. F., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021). Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study: Wave 1 Results, March 2021, Full Report. Warwick, University of Warwick
Flynn, S., Caton , S., Gillooly, A., Bradshaw , J., Hastings , R., Hatton , C., Jahoda, A., Mulhall, P., Todd, S., Beyer, S., & Taggart, L. (2021). The experiences of adults with learning disabilities in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: qualitative results from Wave 1 of the Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study: qualitative results from Wave 1 of the Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study. Tizard Learning Disability Review, 26(4), 224-229. https://doi.org/10.1108/TLDR-09-2021-0027, https://doi.org/10.1108/TLDR-09-2021-0027
Hatton, C., Bailey, T., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Flynn, S., Gillooly, A., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Mulhall, P., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K., & Hastings, R. P. (2021). The willingness of UK adults with intellectual disabilities to take COVID-19 vaccines. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR, 65(11), 949–961. https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12884
Flynn, S., Hatton, C., Hastings, R, P., Hayden, N., Caton, S., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., et al. (2022) Access to and use of health and social care services for people with learning disabilities during COVID-19: a longitudinal study. Tizard Learning Disability Review. ISSN 1359-5474
Todd, S., Bernal, J., McCarron, M. Brearley, S. and Hunt, K. (accepted for publication) Forgotten lives, hidden deaths: people with intellectual disabilities in long term generic care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual disabilities
Todd, S., Worth, R., Shearn J, Barr O, Forrester-Jones R , Jarvis P, Jones E, Kroll T, Lowe, K., Madden, P., McCarron, M., Read, S., Bernal, J., Hunt, K. Living and dying with an intellectual disability (accepted for publication) Journal of Applied Research in intellectual Disability
Tuffrey, I., Lam, C., Bernal, J., Finlayson, J., Taggart, L. and Todd, S. (accepted for publication) Communicating about death and dying with adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) who are terminally ill or bereaved: a UK-wide survey of ID support staff. Journal of Applied Research in intellectual Disability
Hunt K., Worth R, Shearn J, Barr O, Forrester-Jones R, Jarvis P, Jones E, Kroll T, Lowe, K., Madden P, McCarron M, Read, S, Bernal, J., Todd, S., (2019) End of life care for people with intellectual disability in the UK: national survey findings and comparisons with the General Population, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. 2019 Oct 16. pii: bmjspcare-2019-001985. doi: 10.1136/bmjspcare-2019-001985.
Todd, S., Brandford, S., Worth, R., Shearn, J. and Bernal, B. (2019) Place of death of people with Intellectual Disabilities: an exploratory study of death and dying within community disability service settings. Journal of Intellectual Disability, DOI: 10.1177/1744629519886758
Northway, R., Todd, S., Morgan, R., Hopes, P., Shearn, J., Worth, E., Bernal, J. & Hunt, K. (2018) Nursing care at end of life: a UK based survey of the deaths of people living in care settings for people with Intellectual Disability Nursing care at end of life: a UK based survey of the deaths of people living in care settings for people with Intellectual Disability Journal of Research in Nursing.
Todd, S, Bernal, J., Walmsley, J. and O’Droscoll, D. (2021) When epidemics bring too many deaths, Community Living, April, 16-17
Todd, S, Bernal, J, Shearn, J, Worth, R, Jones, E, Lowe, K, et al. ( 2020) Last months of life of people with intellectual disabilities: A UK population‐based study of death and dying in intellectual disability community services. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Hunt, K, Bernal, J, Worth, R, Shearn, J, Jarvis, P, Jones, E, et al. (2019) End-of-life care in intellectual disability: a retrospective cross-sectional study. Epub ahead of print . . BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care.
Lam, CKK, Bernal, J, Finlayson, J, Todd, CJ, Taggart, L, Boaz, A, et al. (2020) Maximising engagement and participation of intellectual disability staff in research: Insights from conducting a UK-wide survey. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1177/1744629520924141.
Tuffrey-Wijne, I, Finlayson, J, Bernal, J, Taggart, L, Lam, CKK, Todd, S. (2020) Communicating about death and dying with adults with intellectual disabilities who are terminally ill or bereaved: A UK-wide survey of intellectual disability support staff. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. pp.1–12.
Sinai, A, Mokrysz, C, McCarthy, J, Dodd, K, Courtenay, K, Hassiotis, A, et al. (2018) Predictors of age of diagnosis and survival of Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 61(2), pp.717-28.
Eady, N, Sheehan, R, Sinai, A, Bernal, J, Bohnen, I, Bonell, S, et al. (2018) Impact of cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine on survival in adults with Down syndrome and dementia Br J Psychiatry. 212 (3), pp.155-60.
Todd, S, Shearn, J, Brandford, S, Bernal, J, Worth, R. (2019) Place of death of people with intellectual disabilities: An exploratory study of death and dying within community disability service settings. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. First Published Research Article: https://doi.org/10.1177/1744629519886758.
Todd, S, Bernal, J, Worth, R, Shearn, J. (2018) Health and social profile of people with intellectual disabilities living in non‐intellectual disability long term care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 31(4).
Bernal, J, Todd, S, Shearn, J, Hunt, K, Worth, R. (2018) Expecting the unexpected. Awareness of impending death among adults with Intellectual disabilities and paid carers in social care settings in the UK. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 31(4).
Bernal, J, Todd, S, Hunt, K. (2019) Why are the unanticipated deaths of people with Intellectual Disabilities important for their end of life care? Towards a typology of unanticipated death. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Bernal, J., Oloidi, E., Todd, S, Morgan, R. (2019) End of life care of people with Down Syndrome (DS). Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities.
Bernal, J, Finlayson, J, Lam, CKK, Taggart, L, Todd, S, Tuffrey-Wijne, I. (2018) Talking about dying with people with ID who have a terminal illness: a UK survey of support staff. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 31(4).
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Flynn, S., Bailey, T., Hastings, R., Hatton, C., Abbott, D. W. F., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021) Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study, Wave 3 Results. Warwick, University of Warwick.
Flynn, S., Bailey, T., Hastings, R., Hatton, C., Abbott, D. W. F., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021). Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study: Wave 1 Results, March 2021, Full Report. Warwick, University of Warwick
Hatton, C., Bailey, T., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Flynn, S., Gillooly, A., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Mulhall, P., Oloidi, E., Taggart, L., Todd, S., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Scior, K., & Hastings, R. P. (2021). The willingness of UK adults with intellectual disabilities to take COVID-19 vaccines. Journal of intellectual disability research : JIDR, 65(11), 949–961. https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12884
Oloidi, E.O. Northway, R. Prince. J. (2020) People with intellectual disabilities living in the communities is bad enough let alone…having sex’’: Exploring societal influence on social care workers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours towards support for personal and sexual relationship needs. Journal of Applied Research in Intellect Disabilities; 1–12
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Markham, V., Giles, A., & May, R. (2020b). A systematic evaluation of prompt fading methods during conditional discrimination training. European Journal of Behavior Analysis. https://doi.org/10.1080/15021149.2020.1719335
Markham, V. A., Giles, A. F., Roderique-Davies, G., Adshead, V., Tamiaki, G., & May, R. J. (2019). Applications of within-stimulus errorless learning methods for teaching discrimination skills to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A systematic review. Research in Developmental Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2019.103521
Giles, A. F., & Markham, V. A. (2017). Comparing book- and tablet-based Picture Activity Schedules: Acquisition and preference. Behavior Modification, 41, 647-664. https://doi.org/10.117/0145445517700817
Watkins, L.V., Linehan, C., Brandt, C., Snoeijen-Schouwenaars, F., McGowan, P. and Shankar, R., (2022). Epilepsy in adults with neurodevelopmental disability-what every neurologist should know. Epileptic Disorders, 1(1).
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Watkins, L., O’Dwyer, M., Kerr, M., Scheepers, M., Courtenay, K., Shankar, R. (2020) Quality improvement in the management of people with epilepsy and intellectual disability: the development of clinical guidance. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy. 21(2), pp.173-81.
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Watkins, L.V. and Angus-Leppan, H., (2020). Valproate, sexual health, and men: a narrative review. Epilepsy & Behavior, 103, pp.106-835.
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Wilson, N., Rees, S., Northway, R., Griffiths, P. (2022) Toward mainstream nursing roles specialising in the care of people with intellectual and developmental disability, Collegian, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colegn.2022.03.004 (in press)
Pickard, B. and Rushton, R. (In Press), ‘Investigating the Impact of Volunteering with Melody Music Birmingham (MMB) on the Professional Development and Career Pathways of Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Students’, British Journal of Music Education.
Pickard, B. (2022), Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy as an Opportunity for Consciousness Raising in the Music Therapy Profession: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective, British Journal of Music Therapy. Online First. https://doi.org/10.1177/13594575221078582
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Northway, R. Dix, A. (2019) Improving equality of healthcare for people with learning disabilities, Nursing Times, 115 (4) 27 – 31
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Northway, R. (2019) Sylwebaeth: In search of care strategies for distressed people with communication difficulties and learning disability in palliative care settings, the lived experience of registered learning disability nurses and palliative care professionals, Journal of Research in Nursing, 24 (6) 401 - 402
Northway, R. (2019) The power (and dangers) of assumptions, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23 (2) 147 - 148
Northway, R. (2019) A sense of achievement, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 23 (1) 3 – 4
Northway, R. (2018) The right support at the right time, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 22 (4) 313 -314
Northway, R. (2018) The need to move upstream, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 22 (3) 211 – 212
Northway. R. (2018) Knowledge, time and change, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 22 (2) 111 – 112
Northway, R. (2018) Reflections on labelling and counting, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 22 (1) 3 - 4
Northway, R. (2018) Review: In search of care strategies for distressed people with communication difficulties and a learning disability in palliative care settings: the lived experiences of registered learning disability nurses and palliative care professionals, Journal of Research in Nursing, DOI: 10.1177/1744987118764712
Northway, R. (2017) Laying the foundations for health, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 21 (1) 3 – 4
Northway, R. (2017) Developing resilience or challenging harm? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities,
Northway, R. (2017) Perspectives: The health of people with intellectual disabilities: realising the future potential of all nurses to reducing health disparities, Journal of Research in Nursing, 22 (8) 637 – 640
Northway, R. (2017) A framework for health and social care research, Nurse Researcher, 25 (3) 5
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Northway, R. (2016) Listening, learning and acting: working with people who use services to plan and undertake research, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25 (5-6) 573-574
Northway, R. (2016) Facing the research challenge, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 20 (3) 211 – 212
Northway, R. (2016) Rights and wrongs, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 20 (4) 311 – 312
Northway, R. (2015) A question of priority, Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (1) 3 – 4
Northway, R. (2015) An age-old problem? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (2) 101 – 102
Northway, R. (2015) What does independence mean? Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 19 (3) 203 – 204
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Pickard, B (2019), 'A Framework for Mediating Medical and Social Models of Disability in Instrumental Tuition for Children with Down Syndrome,' Research Studies in Music Education. DOI: 10.1177/1321103X19855416
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Pickard, B. (2017), ‘Examining the utility of music interventions for children with learning disabilities’ Conference Report, Approaches: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Music Therapy, p. 1-11, https://approaches.gr/pickard-cr20170414/
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Delves-Yates, C., Elcock, K., Everett, F., Hall, C., Jenkins, R., Northway, R., Trenoweth, S., Wright, W. (eds) (2018) Essentials of Nursing Practice, 2nd edition. London: SAGE
Northway, R., Jenkins, R. (2017) Safeguarding Adults in Nursing Practice, 2nd edition, London: SAGE
Delves-Yates, C., Elcock, K., Everett, F., Hall, C., Jenkins, R., Northway, R., Trenoweth, S., Wright, W. (eds) (2015) Essentials of Nursing Practice, London: SAGE
Northway, R., Jenkins, R. (2013) Safeguarding adults in Nursing Practice, London: SAGE
Conn, C. and Murphy, A. (editors) (in press) Inclusive Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education: Respecting and Responding to Differences in Learning. Routledge.
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Northway, R., Sorensen, D., Svenningsen, H., Moreno-Sanchez, P., Valkama, K. (2021) Increasing sustainability of healthcare with technology. In Saminin-Tuomaala, M., Valkama, K., Saarikoski, S., (eds) Luovat, kestävät ja innovatiiviset opetus- jakehittämismenetelmät ja -ratkaisut sosiaali- ja terveysalalla. https://www.theseus.fi/bitstream/handle/10024/504649/B164_SeAMK.pdf?sequence=4&isAllowed=y pp 170 – 182
Northway, R., Wilson, N., Rees, S. (2022) Growing Older. In Atherton, H. Crickmore, D. (eds) Intellectual Disabilities Towards Inclusion (7th edition), Edinburgh: Elsevier. pp 467 – 482
Northway, R. (2019) Moving models: leading through constant change. In Sheerin, F., Curtis, E.A. (eds) Leadership for Intellectual Disability Service, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge. 23 – 43
Delves-Yates, C., Elcock, K., Hall, C., Northway, R., Trenowith, S. (2018) What is nursing? What is a nurse? In Delves-Yates, C., Elcock K., Everett, F., Hall, C., Jenkins, R., Northway, R., Trenoweth, S., Wright, W. (eds) (2018) Essentials of Nursing Practice, 2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
Emerson, K., Northway, R. (2018) Patient, service user, family and carer perspectives. Delves-Yates, C., Elcock, K., Everett, F., Hall, C., Jenkins, R., Northway, R., Trenoweth, S., Wright, W. (eds) (2018) Essentials of Nursing Practice, 2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
Northway, R. (2018) Introduction to the sociological context of nursing. Delves-Yates, C., Elcock, K., Everett, F., Hall, C., Jenkins, R., Northway, R., Trenoweth, S., Wright, W. (eds) (2018) Essentials of Nursing Practice,2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
Northway, R., Beech, I. (2018) Ethics. In Delves-Yates, C., Elcock, K., Everett, F., Hall, C., Jenkins, R., Northway, R., Trenoweth, S., Wright, W. (eds) (2018) Essentials of Nursing Practice, 2nd Ed. London: SAGE.
Northway, R. (2017) Conducting research with vulnerable groups. In Glasper, A., Rees, C. (eds) Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 130- 131
Northway, R. (2017) Conducting focus groups with people with learning disabilities. In Glasper, A., Rees, C. (eds) Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 150 – 151
Northway, R. (2017) People with learning disabilities as co-researchers. In Glasper, A., Rees, C. (eds) Nursing and Healthcare Research at a Glance, Oxford: Wiley Blackwell. 152 – 153
Northway, R. (2017) Leadership and patient care outcomes. In Curtis, E.A., Cullen, J.G. (eds) Leadership and Change for the Health Professional, London: Open University Press. 149 – 160
Northway, R. (2017) Networking in practice. In Keenan, P.M., Doody, O. (eds) Nursing in Intellectual Disabilities: Irish and International Perspectives, Dublin: Nursing Network in Intellectual Disabilities. 57 - 66
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Northway, R. (2015) Introduction to the sociological context of nursing.
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Pickard, B. (2022), ‘The Importance of Collaboration: Valuing the Expertise of Disabled People Through Social Confluence’ in King, H. (Ed), Developing Expertise for Teaching in Higher Education: Practical Ideas for Professional Learning and Development, SEDA / Routledge. pp. 69-84. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003198772-7
Pickard, B. (2019), Valuing Neurodiversity: A humanistic, non-normative model of music therapy exploring Rogers’ Person-Centred Approach with young adults with autism spectrum conditions . in E Coombes, H Dunn, E Maclean, H Mottram & J Nugent (eds), Music Therapy and Autism Across the Lifespan: A Spectrum of Approaches . Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, p. 297-330.
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Northway, R., Wilson, N., Rees, S. (2022) Growing Older. In Atherton, H. Crickmore, D. (eds) Intellectual Disabilities Towards Inclusion (7th edition), Edinburgh: Elsevier. pp 467 – 482
Northway, R., Rees, S., Davies, M., Williams, S. (2017) Hospital passports, patient safety and person-centred care: A review of documents currently used for people with intellectual disabilities in the UK, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26, 5160 - 5168
Bernal, J., Wiese, M.Y., Todd, S., (2022) How People with IntellectualDisability Are Dying and Implications for Quality Care. In Roger J. Stancliffe, Michele, Y. Wiese, Philip McCallion, Mary McCarron (eds) End of Life and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disability: Contemporary Issues, Challenges, Experiences and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan. 149-177
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Northway, R., Oloidi, E., & Rees, S., (2020) Learning Disability Health Communication Tool - Final Report. Welsh Government
Northway, R., Oloidi, E., Morgan, R., Price, K., & Churcher, C. (2020) Learning Disability Educational Framework for Healthcare Staff in Wales - Final Report. Welsh Government
Northway, R. (2015) Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing Academic Network Research Work Stream (2015) Research in Learning Disability Nursing: A Position Paper, Edinburgh: NESS
Flynn, S., Hayden, N., Clarke, L., Caton, S., Hatton, C., Hastings, R. P., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Paris, A., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021). Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study Wave 3 Results: September 2021 (Full Report). Coventry, UK: University of Warwick. ISBN: 978-1-871501-37-7. Report available at https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/cedar/covid19-learningdisability/results/wave3results
Flynn, S., Bailey T., Hastings, R. P., Hatton, C., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021). Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study Wave 1 Results: March 2021 (Full Report). Coventry, UK: University of Warwick. ISBN: 978-1-871501-36-0
Pickard, B (2020), 'A Qualitative Content Analysis of Welsh Universities’ Disability Service Websites and Consideration of Their Potential Impact on Recruitment of Diverse Learners: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective', Paper/Report presented to the USW Equality Steering Group, 7th May 2020.
Pickard, B (2016) ‘Microanalysis of an Extract of a Non-Directive Music Therapy Session Captures the Perceived Moment of Change’, for Royal Society of Medicine and Live Music Now Conference ‘Examining the Utility of Music Interventions for Children with Learning Disabilities’. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14585.98402
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Katsui, H., Valkama, K. & Kröger, T. (2019). Country report on the European Semester - Finland
Valkama, K., Katsui, H. & Kröger, T. (2018). Country report on the European Semester - Finland
Katsui, H., Valkama, K. & Kröger, T. (2018). DOTCOM. Suomi.
Management of Epilepsy in adults with intellectual disability RCPsych College Report (CR203, 2017)
ILAE Report: The provision of care to adults with an intellectual disability in the UK: A survey by the British Chapter of the ILAE. (2017)
Prescribing AEDs for people with epilepsy and intellectual disability. RCPsych College Report (CR206, 2017). Deputy Editor
Flynn, S., Hayden, N., Clarke, L., Caton, S., Hatton, C., Hastings, R. P., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Paris, A., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021). Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study Wave 3 Results: September 2021 (Full Report). Coventry, UK: University of Warwick. ISBN: 978-1-871501-37-7. Report available at https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/cedar/covid19-learningdisability/results/wave3results
Flynn, S., Bailey T., Hastings, R. P., Hatton, C., Abbott, D., Beyer, S., Bradshaw, J., Caton, S., Gillooly, A., Gore, N., Heslop, P., Jahoda, A., Maguire, R., Marriott, A., Oloidi, E., Mulhall, P., Scior, K., Taggart, L., & Todd, S. (2021). Coronavirus and people with learning disabilities study Wave 1 Results: March 2021 (Full Report). Coventry, UK: University of Warwick. ISBN: 978-1-871501-36-0
Northway, R., Oloidi, E., & Rees, S., (2020) Learning Disability Health Communication Tool - Final Report. Welsh Government
Northway, R., Oloidi, E., Morgan, R., Price, K., & Churcher, C. (2020) Learning Disability Educational Framework for Healthcare Staff in Wales - Final Report. Welsh Government
Hopes, P., Oloidi, E. O. & Yu, J., (2018) The Role of the Learning Disability Nurse in Supporting Children, Young People and their Families: A Literature Review and Critical Appraisal: 2000-2018. 2 Apr 2018, Public Health England. 49 p.
Northway, R., Oloidi, E., & Rees, S., (2020) Learning Disability Health Communication Tool - Final Report. Welsh Government
Northway, R., Oloidi, E., Morgan, R., Price, K., & Churcher, C. (2020) Learning Disability Educational Framework for Healthcare Staff in Wales - Final Report. Welsh Government
Oloidi, E, Rees, S., and Northway, R. (2021) The Development of a Health Communication Tool (HCT) in Wales: A three-stage parallel mixed methods study. Oral presentation at the virtual 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress, 2021, July 5-8, 2021, Amsterdam, Holland.
Rees, S., Oloidi, E, and Northway, R. (2021) Reflections on conducting focus groups with people with intellectual disabilities. Oral presentation at the virtual 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress, 2021, July 5-8, 2021, Amsterdam, Holland.
Crowther, F., Northway, R. (2019) Relationships in an inclusive research team. Concurrent presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability World Congress, Glasgow, August 2019
Northway, R. (2019) Health inequalities through an ethical lens. Concurrent presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability World Congress, Glasgow, August 2019
Northway, R. (2019) Leadership and patient outcomes. Plenary presentation at the Leadership Conference, University of Malta, 21st May 2019
Northway, R. (2019) Nursing approach to the holistic care of patients with intellectual disabilities. Invited ‘Meet the Nurse Expert’ Session at the European Society of Endocrinology Congress. Lyon, France, 19th May 2019
Northway, R. (2019) Compassionate opinions: patient ad audience voices. Invited talk at the RCN Wales Leadership Summit, 27th March 2019.
Northway, R. (2019) My leadership journey. Invited presentation for the Florence Nightingale Learning Disability Nursing Leaders Programme, London 13th March 2019
Northway, R. (2019) People with learning disabilities, inclusion and research. Invited talk at the CASCADE Learning Disability EXCHANGE event, 12th March, Nelson, South Wales.
Northway, R. (2019) Promoting participation. Invited keynote presentation at the HAMK International Health and Well-being week, Hameenlinna, Finland, 18th February 2019
Northway, R. (2018) Identity, intersectionality and intellectual disabilities. Concurrent session at the IASSIDD Europe Conference, Athens, July 2018
Northway, R. (2018) Making a difference. Keynote presentation at the Positive Choices Conference, Dublin, 20th April 2018.
Northway, R. (2018) Changes, challenges and opportunities. Keynote presentation at the Positive Commitment Conference, Dublin, 20th April 2018
Northway, R. (2017) The ethical implications of facilitating the involvement of groups considered ‘vulnerable’ in the development of research. Concurrent session presented at the RCN International Research Conference, Oxford, April 2017
Brown, M., Taggart, L., Truesdale, M., Northway, R., Karatzias, T. (2016) Caring for adults with intellectual disabilities and type 2 diabetes: The experiences of professionals. Peer reviewed concurrent oral presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities World Congress, Melbourne, Australia
Northway, R. (2016) Reflexivity, qualitative research and the PhD process. Peer reviewed concurrent oral presentation at the RCN International Research Conference, Edinburgh.
Northway, R. (2016) Exploring the views of student and registered learning disability nurses to research. Invited plenary presentation at the ‘Swimming upstream’ research teaching conference held at the University of Leeds.
Northway, R. (2016) Developing the evidence base: fostering clinical research among RNIDs/ RNLDs. Invited plenary presentation to the National Board for Nursing Ireland Intellectual Disability Nursing Conference, Dublin.
Northway, R. (2016) Leading nursing research – The Royal College of Nursing (UK). Invited plenary presentation to the Investen International Research Conference, At Coruna, Spain.
Northway, R. Brown, M., Taggart, L., Truesdale, M. (2016) Diabetes prevalence and experience amongst people with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Peer reviewed concurrent oral presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities World Congress, Melbourne, Australia
Northway, R., Jenkins, R., Holland-Hart, D. (2016) Meeting the age-related health needs of people with intellectual disabilities: The support needs of residential social care staff. Peer reviewed poster presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities World Congress, Melbourne, Australia
Taggart, L. Truesdale, M., Brown, M., Karatzias, T., Northway, R., Walley, R. (2016) DESMOND-ID: Outcomes of a pilot feasibility study exploring the HbAc for adults with intellectual disabilities and type 2 diabetes. Peer reviewed concurrent oral presentation at the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities World Congress, Melbourne, Australia
Jenkins, R. Northway, R. (2015) Meeting the health needs of older people with intellectual disabilities living in residential services: implications for inter-professional working. Peer reviewed concurrent oral presentation at the Health and Well-Being in Developmental Disabilities Conference, University of Toronto, Canada.
Northway, R. Jenkins, R. (2015) Researching together to promote health and well-being of people with intellectual disabilities: the potential contribution of participatory research approaches. Peer reviewed concurrent oral presentation at the Health and Well-bring in Developmental Disabilities Conference, University of Toronto, Canada
People with intellectual disabilities and smart welfare services. [Sari Miettinen & Raija Koskinen]. Presentation at IASSIDD 2019 Conference, Glasgow, UK
People with ID in the middle of reforming the Finnish social and health care. [Sari Miettinen & Raija Koskinen]. Presentation at IASSIDD 2019 Conference, Glasgow, UK
Sustainable care. [Patricia Scherer Bassani, Kirsten Maibom, Helle Svenningsen & Dorthe Sørensen]. Sustainable society and technology: Beyond Alliance for Knowledge Seminar BAK 2019, Hämeenlinna, Finland
Seattle Club Conference for research on intellectual and developmental disabilities Poster: Barden O., Walden, S.J., 2019, Archives and Belonging: Exploring Histories of Learning Disabilities
Pickard, B. (2022), Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy as an Opportunity for Consciousness Raising in the Music Therapy Profession: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective, European Music Therapy Conference: Please Disturb, Edinburgh, UK, 8-12th June 2022.
Lawes, M., Annesley, L., Procter, S., Odell-Miller, H., Robarts, J., Tsiris, G., Warner, C., Wetherick, D., Wilson, D., Axon, R. and Pickard, B. (2022), The identity and role of music therapy in the UK: history, practices, theories, values, diversity and organisations, European Music Therapy Conference: Please Disturb, Edinburgh, UK, 8-12th June 2022.
McDermott, O., Thompson, G., Pickard, B., Bradt, J., Metell, M., Beck, B., Clark, I. and Geretsegger, M. (2022), Strategies for success in peer-reviewed publications: Insights from the Nordic Journal of Music Therapy editorial team, European Music Therapy Conference: Please Disturb, Edinburgh, UK, 8-12th June 2022.
Myerscough, F., Pickard, B., Wilson, D. and Davies, H. (2022), What can I do? Action planning to promote equity in our profession (and beyond), European Music Therapy Conference: Please Disturb, Edinburgh, UK, 8-12th June 2022.
Pickard, B., Coombes, E., Hickles, J., Dando, J., Ryan, J., Jones, R., Jones, L., Robinson, H. and Johnston, C. (2022), What are UK-based musicians’ perceptions of the training route to the music therapy profession in the UK European Music Therapy Conference: Please Disturb, Edinburgh, UK, 8-12th June 2022.
Magee, W., Archer, A., Davies, H., Myerscough, F., Pickard, B. & Wilson, D. (2021), ‘The Work We Need to Do’ Keynote presentation and panel discussion – Michael Swallow Memorial Lecture, British Association of Music Therapy Biennial Conference [Online], 9-11th April 2021.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘The Hierarchy of Knowledge in Higher Education: Privileging the Expertise of Disabled People Through Social Confluence’, HEPPP Research Network Symposium: Exploring Expertise in Teaching in HE, University of the West of England, UK, 16th October 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘An Introduction to a Disability Studies Informed Perspective in Music Therapy’ [Online], Global Music Therapy Educators’ eLibrary.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘Music Therapy Through the Lens of the Autistic Community’ [Online Presentation], Music Therapy and Autism International Network Meeting [Online], 12th September 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘A Commitment to Accessible Pedagogical Provision: Student Reflections’ (Online Conference Presentation), USW Learning and Teaching Conference 2020 [Online], 16th July 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘Music Therapists’ Understanding of Normalisation, Maximisation and the Neurodiversity Movement’ (Online Presentation), British Association of Music Therapy (BAMT) Autism Network Meeting [Online], 11th July 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘How Do Welsh Universities Portray Disability on Their Webpages?’ (Presentation of Research Report), USW Equality and Diversity Steering Group [Online Meeting], 9th July 2020.
Elefant, C., Thompson, G., Metell, M., Roginsky, E., Pickard, B. and Gottschewski, K. (2020), ‘The Neurodiversity Movement Invites Us to Consider Why We Work the Way Do as Music Therapists’ [Online Conference Presentation], World Music Therapy Congress [Online], 7th-8th July 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘A Qualitative Content Analysis of Welsh Universities’ Disability Service Websites and Consideration of Their Potential Impact on Recruitment of Diverse Learners: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective’, National Association of Educators in Practice Conference 2020: Whose Placement is it Anyway?, Birmingham, UK, 24th April 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘The Shifting Research-Teaching Nexus: Exploring the Multiple Roles of Student, Participant and Researcher in a Music Therapy Training Programme’, BAMT Biannual Conference: Collaboration and Exchange, Belfast, UK, 3-5th April 2020.
Pickard, B., Capstick, J., Fernie, P., Fuller, C., Goodman, M., Mainwaring, A. and Williams-Jones, E. (2020), ‘What is the Wider University Community’s Understanding of Music Therapy?’, BAMT Biannual Conference: Collaboration and Exchange, Belfast, UK, 3-5th April 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ’Collective Responsibility for Notetaking in Higher Education: The Unanticipated Outcomes of a Pedagogical Research Project’, Annual National Teaching Fellows Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 5-6th March 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘What are Welsh Universities’ Websites Telling Disabled Applicants About their Interpretation of Disability?’, Annual National Teaching Fellows Symposium, Birmingham, UK, 5-6th March 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘Provocation on Inclusivity in Higher Education: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective’, USW Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Sciences Learning and Teaching Enhancement Committee, 26th February 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘PhD by Portfolio: Consciousness Raising as a Vehicle for Anti-Oppressive Pedagogy’, USW Music Therapy Student Conference, Newport, UK, February 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘Provocation on Inclusivity in Higher Education: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective’, USW Faculty of Business and Society Learning and Teaching Enhancement Committee, 10th February 2020.
Coombes, E. and Pickard, B. (2020), 'Riding in Tandem: Journeying the Research-Teaching Nexus in Partnership' Paper presented at Online Conference for Music Therapy, Online, United Kingdom, 1-2nd February 2020.
Pickard, B. (2020), ‘Provocation to Learning and Teaching and Enhancement Committee: A Critical Disability Studies Perspective’, USW Learning and Teaching Enhancement Committee Away Day, 8th January 2020.
Pickard, B. (2019), ‘Autism Diagnosis or Neurodivergent Identity?’, USW Music Therapy and Autism Conference, Newport, UK, 16th November 2019.
Davies, B. and Pickard, B. (2019), 'Artistic Voices in The Grimms’ Woods: A Creative Collaboration of Inclusive Theatre, Special Education and Higher Education' (Conference Presentation), Broken Puppet 3 International Symposium, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 17-18th April 2020.
Pickard, B. (2019), 'Demystifying the Process of Engaging with the Disability and Dyslexia Service in Higher Education' Journal of Inclusive Practice in Further and Higher Education, 10(1), p. 40-58.
Pickard, B. (2019), '“A Need to Be Understood”: Students’ Evolving Understanding of Disability Through an Immersive, Inclusive Arts Project' (Conference Presentation), USW FLSE Learning & Teaching Conference 2019, United Kingdom, 4th July 2019.
Pickard, B. (2019), 'What are Welsh HEI Websites Telling Disabled Applicants about Academia’s Perception of Disability?' (Conference Presentation), USW FLSE Learning & Teaching Conference 2019, United Kingdom, 4th July 2019.
Thompson, G., Elefant, C., Roginsky, E., Metell, M. and Pickard, B. (2019), 'What Can the Neurodiversity Movement Offer Music Therapy?' (Roundtable Conference Presentation), European Music Therapy Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, 26-30th June 2019.
Coombes, E., Maclean, E., Oldfield, A., Roberts, A. and Pickard, B. (2019), 'Music therapy and autism: a spectrum of approaches across the lifespan - what does this mean for the profession?' (Roundtable Conference Presentation), European Music Therapy Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, 26-30th June 2019.
Coombes, E. and Pickard, B. (2018), 'Let Your Passion Be Your Purpose' (Conference Presentation), Nordic Music Therapy Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-8th August 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), 'Construction of Normalcy and Diversity in Music Therapy Theory and Practice' (Conference Presentation), Lancaster University Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 11-13th September 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), 'A Holistic, Humanistic Perspective on Music Therapy: Integrating Carl Rogers' Person-Centred Approach' (Conference Presentation), Nordic Music Therapy Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 7-8th August 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), ‘Differentiation as Celebrating an Able Identity or Perpetuating an Ableist Perspective? Critical Perspectives on an Evidence Based Approach for Instrumental Tuition for Musicians Who Have Down’s Syndrome’ (Conference Presentation), Cripping the Muse: A Summit in Music and Disability Studies, University of Leeds, 4-5th July 2018.
Pickard, B. and Dower, T. (2018), ‘Vaguely Artistic: Disabled Musicians as Experts in an Inclusive Community Music Project in Higher Education, From a Social Confluence Perspective’ (Conference Presentation), Cripping the Muse: A Summit in Music and Disability Studies, University of Leeds, 4-5th July 2018.
Pickard, B (2018), 'Social Construction of Disability: Parallel Process in Arts Therapies Education and Practice' (Conference Presentation), United Kingdom Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE) Creating Inclusive Postgraduate Cultures and Communities Annual Conference, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2-3rd July 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), ‘Developing a Meaningful Community of Practice: The Challenges and Opportunities of Revalidating a Degree Programme in Creative and Therapeutic Arts’ (Conference Presentation), University of South Wales Learning and Teaching Conference 2018, Pontypridd, UK, 29th June 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), ‘The Process of Accessing the Disability and Dyslexia Service at USW: Outcomes of a Collaborative Pilot Study’ (Conference Presentation), University of South Wales Learning and Teaching Conference 2018, Pontypridd, UK, 29th June 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), ‘Challenging Interpretations of Disability in Theory and in Practice’ (Conference Presentation), University of South Wales Learning and Teaching Conference 2018, Pontypridd, UK, 29th June 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), 'The Challenges and Opportunities of Innovating a Higher Education Curriculum in Creative and Therapeutic Arts' Paper presented at New Perspectives in Participatory Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, 22-23rd May 2018.
Coombes, E. and Pickard, B. (2018),’ The Relationship Between Research and Practice: An Exploration Into How Music Therapy Students’ Personal and Research Interests Can Shape Their Practitioner Identity’, USW FLSE Research Conference, 24th April 2018.
Pickard, B. (2018), 'Inclusive Practice and Sign Supported Communication' (Conference Presentation and Workshops), HAMK International Wellbeing Week, HAMK University, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 19-23rd February 2018.
Bernal, J., E. Oloidi, S. Todd and R. Morgan (2019) End of life care of people with Down Syndrome (DS). Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, 642. IASSID World Congress, Glasgow, 2019
Bernal, J. Todd, S. and Hunt, K. (2019) Why are the unanticipated deaths of people with intellectual disabilities important for their end of life care? Towards a typology of unanticipated death. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, 642. IASSID World Congress, Glasgow, 2019
Todd, S., Bernal, J., K. Hunt, K., Brearley, S. and McCarron. M. (2019) Living in and dying in non-ID care settings Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, 646
Todd, S., Bernal, B., Hunt, K. (2019) Dying with cancer in people with ID. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, 647. IASSID World Congress, Glasgow, 2019
Tuffrey-Wijne, I., Todd, S., Hatton, C., Glover, G., Heslop, P., Brearley, S., Hunt, k., Finlay, I., and Hollins, S. (2019) The end-of-life trajectory and provision of end-of-life care for people with intellectual disabilities: a theoretical model. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, 651. IASSID World Congress, Glasgow, 2019
Tuffrey‐Wijne, I., Bernal, J., Finlayson, C., Lam, Taggart L., and Todd, S. (2019) The challenges of communicating about death with adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) who face terminal illness or bereavement: insights from a UK‐wide survey of staff working in supported living and residential care settings Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63, 651. IASSID World Congress, Glasgow, 2019
J. Bernal; S. Todd; J. Shearn; K. Hunt; W. Rhian (2018) Expecting the unexpected. Awareness of impending death among adults with Intellectual disabilities and paid carers in social care settings in the UK Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31: 6046. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Bernal, J., Todd, S., Shearn, J., Hunt, K. and Worth, R. (2018) Expecting the unexpected: awareness of impending death among adults with Intellectual disabilities and paid carers in social care settings in the UK. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31: 6046. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Todd, S., Bernal, J., Shearn, J. and Worth R. (2018) Health and social profile of people with intellectual disabilities living in non‐intellectual disability long term care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31: 5536. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Todd, S., Shearn, J. and Worth, R. (2018) Hidden lives and deaths: people with ID living in generic care settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31:5704. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Todd, S., Bernal, J., Finlayson, J., Lam, C., Taggart, L. and Tuffrey‐Wijne, I. (2018) Talking about dying with people with ID who have experienced a bereavement: a UK survey of support staff. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31:5697. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
J. Bernal; J. Finlayson; C. Lam; L. Taggart; S. Todd; I. Tuffrey‐Wijne (2018) Talking about dying with people with ID who have a terminal illness: a UK survey of support staff. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31:5587. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Todd, S., Jones, E., Lowe, K., Forrester‐Jones, R., Shearn, J. and Worth, R. (2018) Where you live and die?: A comparisons of end of life outcomes for expected deaths in people living in social care ID settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 31:5928. IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Oloidi, E, Rees, S., and Northway, R. (2021) The Development of a Health Communication Tool (HCT) in Wales: A three-stage parallel mixed methods study. Oral presentation at the virtual 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress, 2021, July 5-8, 2021, Amsterdam, Holland.
Rees, S., Oloidi, E, and Northway, R. (2021) Reflections on conducting focus groups with people with intellectual disabilities. Oral presentation at the virtual 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress, 2021, July 5-8, 2021, Amsterdam, Holland.
Oloidi, E., and Northway, R., (2019) Public Perceptions of Personal & Sexual Relationships of Adults with Intellectual disabilities: A Qualitative Exploration of the Influence on Social Care Workers’ Attitudes, Beliefs & Behaviours: Poster presentation at the IASSID World Congress, 2019, Glasgow, UK
Oloidi, E., Northway, R., and Prince, J. (2018) A mixed methods investigation into how perceived public perceptions regarding personal and sexual relationships amongst adults with intellectual disabilities might influence social care workers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours: Qualitative Stage One. Oral presentation at the IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Oloidi, E., Northway, R., and Prince, J. (2018) A mixed methods investigation into how perceived public perceptions regarding personal and sexual relationships amongst adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) might influence social care workers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours: Quantitative Stage Two. Poster presentation at the IASSID European Congress, 2018, Athens
Oloidi, E., Northway, R., and Prince, J. (2018) Public perceptions of sexual relationships and intellectual disabilities: researching the influence on social care workers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours: stage one. Poster presentation at the Seattle Club Conference 2018, Shrewsbury, UK
Oloidi, E., and Northway, R. (2018) A mixed methods investigation into the perceived influence of public perceptions of sexual relationships and learning disabilities on practitioners’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Disabilities in Africa 2018, Abuja, Nigeria
Oloidi, E., and Northway, R. (2018) Public perceptions of sexual relationships and learning disabilities: researching the influence on social care workers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Oral presentation at the Mencap Friendships/Relationships Seminar 2018, Bangor, North Wales.
Oloidi, E., and Northway, R. (2017) ‘An investigation into the perceived influence of public perceptions regarding personal and sexual relationships amongst adults with intellectual disabilities on social care workers’ attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.’ Oral presentation to the Welsh LGBT Action Group, 2017, Cardiff.
Culwick, M. (2014) The Abuse of Disabled Children: An Exploration of Social Workers’ experiences. Presentation at the International Family Violence and Child Victimization Research Conference. 2014, New Hampshire .USA.
Conn, C. (2021) Evaluation of the impact of professional learning for additional learning needs in the further education sector in Wales, UK, European Conference of Educational Research (ECER), Geneva (online), 6-10 September.
Conn, C. (2019) Socio-material realities of learning for autistic pupils in inclusive education. European Conference of Educational Research (ECER), University of Hamburg, 6 September 2019, Hamburg
Conn, C. (2019) Consideration of additional learning needs (ALN) in the process of curriculum reform in Wales. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 12 September 2019.
Conn, C. (2019) An evaluation of a regional teaching and leadership framework as a mediator for national policy. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, University of Manchester, 12 September 2019.
Conn, C. (2019) Exploring professional knowledge landscapes in inclusive education for autistic pupils. Faculty of Life Sciences and Education Annual Conference, University of South Wales, 4 July 2019.
Conn, C. (2018) Meeting additional learning needs (ALN) in mainstream education in the development of the new curriculum for Wales. Successful Futures for All Symposium. Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research and Data. (WISERD) Annual Conference, University of South Wales, 18 July 2018.
Conn, C. (2017) Responding to autistic sociality in conversations with pupils about their learning. British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, University of Sussex, 5 September.
Conn, C. (2017) Negotiating deficit discourses of autism in narrative inquiry: sibling xperiences of childhood play. Nordic Network on Disability Research, Orebrö University, Sweden, 3 May.
Rees, S., Oloidi, E, and Northway, R. (2021) Reflections on conducting focus groups with people with intellectual disabilities. Oral presentation at the virtual 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress, 2021, July 5-8, 2021, Amsterdam, Holland.
Oloidi, E, Rees, S., and Northway, R. (2021) The Development of a Health Communication Tool (HCT) in Wales: A three-stage parallel mixed methods study. Oral presentation at the virtual 6th IASSIDD Europe Congress, 2021, July 5-8, 2021, Amsterdam, Holland.
TRAC and Rees, S. (2020): ‘Relationships and Loss’ Social History of Learning Disability Conference (July 2020)
Rees, S. (2019) An exploration of the role of the community learning disability nurse supporting adults with learning disabilities to access secondary healthcare. Shaping the Future of Intellectual Disability Nursing - Developing Nursing Capacity Capability and Nursing Leadership – Advancing the Role’ Annual Conference, Dublin, October 2019
Rees, S. (2019) An exploration of the role of the community learning disability nurse supporting adults with learning disabilities to access secondary healthcare. ‘RCN 100 Years of Learning Disability Nursing’ conference, December 2019.
Rees, S. (2019) The role of the community learning disability nurse supporting adults with learning disabilities to access secondary healthcare. IASSID World Congress, Glasgow, 2019
Lowe, K. (2019) Putting Positive Behavioural Support into practice: the challenges of workforce training and development. The British Institute for Learning Disabilities International and Annual Conferences 2015 – 2019
Cavanagh, D. (2019). August Health Checks and After Health Checks Study - A qualitative longitudinal study. Annual health checks for people with intellectual disabilities: An exploration of experiences, follow up and self-management of health conditions. Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability World Congress, Glasgow, August 2019.
Cavanagh, D. (2019). How can critical reflexivity of the research process enable researchers to make better use of qualitative interview methods with people who have an intellectual disability? Scientific Study of Intellectual Disability World Congress, Glasgow, August 2019.
Cavanagh, D. (2019). Health Checks and After Health Checks Study - A qualitative longitudinal study. Annual health checks for people with intellectual disabilities: An exploration of experiences, follow up and self-management of health conditions. PRIME Centre Wales Annual Meeting 2018, University of South Wales, Pontypridd, November 2018.